Trauma Resources
We now know that dissociative disorders and other trauma-related physical, behavioral, and mental health issues are much more common than many people had thought. Individual responses to trauma come in all shapes and sizes and virtually every family is touched by the impact of family, community, or generational trauma. With compassion and awareness many individuals, researchers, and organizations are working to end the stigma of mental health disorders and break cycles of family and community abuse, violence, and denial. Science can now help physicians, others in the medical world, schools, families and communities to better use what we know to create trauma-responsive care, and build healing and resilience. If you want to learn more or find out what you can do to join these movements, here are some websites that can get you started.
ACEs Too High, acestoohigh.com
An Infinite Mind Aninfinitemind.org
Beauty After Bruises beautyafterbruises.org
CPTSD Foundation - The Foundation for post-traumatic healing and complex trauma research CPTSDfoundation.org
Harvard Center for the Developing Child, developingchild.harvard.edu
International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation, isst-d.org
The Mighty themighty.com
NAMI (National Association for Mental Illness) NAMI.org
Paces Connection Network, pacesconnection.com
Sidran Institute, sidran.org